Welcome... To a great new place to find the very best in new and original music. Here you'll find music of many styles from all around the planet with lyrics you can understand and connect with. Need a catchy melody with rhythms you can sing and dance to? Then look no further...

The mission of GotchaMusic.Com is to expose the true music lovers of the world to great new original music. We also promote both artists and writers to the public as well as the entertainment industry. Nurturing new and seasoned talent gives them an outlet and a reason to continue to make memorable music. It's about enriching lives through music while making the world a better sounding place.

To the listener and potential new fan -

This site will grow slowly as we are very selective in the quality and content of the music...Please grow with us...

To the artists and writers -

Steve Willoughby, the owner and founder of GotchaMusic.Com has been writing, performing and publishing music since 1969. Count on his talents and experience to bring your music to the listeners via the Internet and more traditional channels.

To the Film/TV & Media Companies -

GotchaMusic.Com will be an excellent source for finding the very best music available for your next project. On time, within your budget. One stop, clearance and friendly professional service, with no hassles. Samplers available upon request.